This can slightly decrease the quality of video files, for example. When sending files through WhatsApp, the application usually optimizes your media so that they can be sent more easily. Learn how to send large files on WhatsApp But still, there are some alternatives for sending large media files through WhatsApp.
In this way, the application limits your file to a weight greater than that allowed for the device. WhatsApp limits files larger than 64 MB on WhatsApp Web – (Capture: Canaltech / Felipe Freitas) However, this limit reaches up to 64 MB on WhatsApp Web. The shipping standard on devices with at least 512 MB of storage is 16 MB for audio, video and photo files. The Application makes adaptations in the limit of the size of files according to the storage of your device. In its most recent version, it is possible to send any type of file in your conversations, however, WhatsApp still has some limitations regarding the size of these files. In addition to audio and text messages, users can also share other types of files.
Thus, the messenger has acquired new uses and demands due to its popularity. Currently, you can turn your cell phone number into a work account, or even a professional portfolio. The WhatsApp ( Android | iOS | Web) over time has become more than just an instant messaging app.